If you wish to contact me at One Scythe Revolution, please send an email to:
Botan @ One Scythe Revolution . com
or call 5 0 7 - 4 5 4 - 4 1 2 1
I am located on a farm near Winona, Minnesota, USA.
Scythe Forum
I am also the Administrator of the Scything Improver's Forum on Facebook. It's an international, educational forum for scythers to share info, and to help each other develop the skill needed to utilize their scythes to their fullest potential. If you want to improve your level of scything skill and connect with fellow scythers, consider joining!
Worldwide links: If you have landed on my webpage, but do not live in the U.S.A., see if there is a Scythe Specialist Retailer in your country on my Links page.
Some kind notes from One Scythe Revolution customers:
Hi Botan,
Just wanted to say that I finally had a chance to try the bush blade on the dry Miscanthus grass. The snow on top melted leaving some of the stems standing and other stems lying on the ground in tangles. The bush blade had absolutely no problem with cutting the stuff. Cleaning up the mess was more problematic, but the Cheeseborough rake with its short wide-spaced tines, which I bought from you years ago, was perfect for the job. It separated the cut from the uncut grass tangles - without getting tangled itself.
Thanks again for such outstanding tools,
Karin V, NY
When I went to Afghanistan, I was given a briefing about the Taliban and in this briefing was a quote by one of the leaders we snagged. It was something along these lines:
"If you want to create true believers for a revolution you don't try to change the easily swayed. These people are fickle and will go where the wind blows. If you want to create fighters you have to sway a non believer. "
So being completely honest I was potentially your biggest critic. I'm a country kid who's ass grew up firmly seated on a Ford 3400 bush hogging fields in Louisiana. I bought this scythe grumbling that I could have bought a brand new Stihl for that price.
I set it up and set the wife to your videos then out to the yard. She came in later really sweaty talking about it being a good workout. I thought "That doesn't seem right. No one is huffing and puffing in the videos." So tonight I said "Let's see what all that money bought me."
Dude I'm in. This thing is awesome. Once you get past the initial awkwardness the flow comes natural. I could feel that the handles were set wrong so I adjusted it. I then could feel that the blade angle was wrong so I adjusted it. Once I got the rythm it was practically effortless. I can mow tall grass faster than my lawnmower can.
Thinking I'll need one of the shorter brush blades here soon to take care of all the wild roses.
Anyhow. Congrats. Your scythe revolution converted a non believer.
George in Alaska.
bThis morning, I got up at 5AM, because the grass was finally ready for a mow. After a few swings of the scythe, my mind cleared, I found my rhythm and I was "in the zone". Before I realized it, I had cut a quarter of an acre of grass and it looks like it was cut with my riding mower.
I stopped when the dew dried and peened my blade to a razor edge, so I can mow more tomorrow. I absolutely love my scythe and the low impact workout I get makes me feel great!
I found the Zen of using a scythe and I'm hooked on it. I plan to buy a second outfit in the near future, so my wife can join me in using this wonderful tool.
Thank you for being such an inspiration.
Gordon T. - Texas.
I love Botan, YES I DO! I can Scythe 'cuz of 'im, HOW BOUT YOU?!
I wanted to take a moment to thank you sincerely. Your instructions rival the products you diligently packed and every single one of your efforts are deeply appreciated. You and your videos have been most helpful and inspiring.
I am one very happy customer and you have made this transition very easy for me!
Thank you so much for the healthy revolution and thank you for holding such high standards. I've been truly enjoying the quiet, rhythmic, strokes to manage the grasses and seasonal flowers / plants.
You rock!
-J.S. N.C.
I ordered the narrow anvil and hammer set from you and would like to tell you that I am so happy I did. Before I was trying to sharpen my blades with a peening jig and I never could get them sharp again - I still had to mow and it was a bit of a slog. I finally got better at honing after watching videos of Alpine folks demonstrate (I have one of those more cigar shaped stones and the instructions I had before were for the different style of honing) but peening with the jig never worked.
After reading all the instructions and watching a video I went to work on last year's blade yesterday and low and behold, it worked! I am so glad that after 3 mowing seasons I have finally figured it out! Thank you for the very thorough education!
Now I am not loving my whetstones, still, so I would like to order a Bergamo, to use now and a Doppelbock (ooh, my favorite beer, the Andechser!) for when I am really good at this.
I have two acres of Californian weeds and grasses to mow every year - I am getting a lot of practice...
Thank you!
Stephanie. S.
Thank you Botan! I love this new tool of mine, it cuts as beautifully as i had hoped! I look forward to spending a lot of time with it, season after season.
J. W. - Rhode Island
Thank you for changing my life with your scythes. It has been a godsend here on our farm. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU - C.S. - Wisconsin.
Wooo hooo! I'm scything! I scythe! I'm ever so happy to have this new tool. ...Thank you for being there to sell scythes like this in the U.S.A.. I searched several websites. I must say, your site is straightforward and was the easiest for me to understand.
C.H. - Colorado.
Botan, thank you for rushing out the scythe ! I was able to get those flower tops off before they set seed, by mowing them down. Also, I could use the tool to "spot cut" in areas where there were just a few invasives growing amongst the native prairie plants. I now have paths to places and under the clotheslines and more. I'm learning more to use the tool and it is just wonderful. I can top off seed heads even due to its light weight and sharpness too and leave the prairie standing!
I sent photos and your link to Bill Schneider of Wildtype, a prominent native plant producer here in Michigan, and hopefully he and others who do native plantings and "prairies" will learn about scythes. Invasive plant control and eradication is always paramount when establishing native "prairie " plantings, and this tool is, I believe, a wonderful addition to the methods to get that done. There is a native plant producing association here in Michigan, as well as other states.
Well, Thanks again, and already I see need to get another one. I'll be calling when the time comes.
Brian at Prairie View Bee Farm, Michigan
P.S. -- I showed a fellow beekeeper my scythe,and he really likes the tool. Bee keepers have to mow around their hives and keep vegetation down for several reasons. And many use weed w hackers or lawn mowers, which create problems due to the noise. It riles up the bees. Not to mention the fumes. I mowed in front of my hives wonderfully with the scythe in a tee shirt and didn't have to suit up..A very big benefit! (Also, one can hook around under the hive stands and along the edges too, where otherwise a mower cant get)I believe bee keepers would buy many of these tools from you!
Especially considering they can keep one on hand whilst working their out yards,which can be miles away.
Otherwise, many have to make special trips with mowing equipment on trailers just to get that done..which is a real pain and adds days of labor..I really think this tool would benefit bee keepers a lot, it has me.
Hi Botan,
I'm not sure if you remember me, but I purchased one of your two flags (Doppelbock) whetstones last year.
Well, I have just started mowing again this year and I have, possibly for the first time, experienced real elation while mowing.
Part of this may be that my grass has settled down after three seasons of mowing - it stands better and now is developing a more diverse flora. Part may be that I'm improving and using a better blade and better fitting (home made) snath.
But a big part, I think, goes to the whetstone. I'm having to hone far less frequently now and my scythe just whistles through the grass taking 6 to 9 inch strips with ease. A quick hone when it starts to drag a bit and away it goes again - fantastic.
They're expensive, but as you say worth every penny. I'm going to buy a few more next time my travels take me to the US.
Many thanks - Paul.