'One Scythe Revolution' in the Media
Podcast: A Dialogue Between Botan Anderson and Jim Kovalski
Newspaper article in The Country Today: "The Cutting Edge: St. Croix County scythe expert says ancient haying tool making comeback on small farms"
Grant Schultz on Permaculture Voices podcast. Grant talks about One Scythe Revolution about 27 minutes in. Tools and Technology for the Permaculture Homestead

Low Tech Podcast - No. 28 A Visit To One Scythe Revolution
Low Technology Institute Blog "One Scythe Revolution"
Parade the Ark blog post September 8 2017
Larry Cooper's Broadfork blog post on the "One Scythe Revolution"
1SR is listed on the Austrian Scythe Associations website as a recognized member of the International Scythe Network. Scythe Network Members, USA: One Scythe Revolution
Tara and Tyler of GoingSlowly.com, stopped by my farm in the middle of winter, to learn about scythes and sickles for harvesting reed for thatching. Reed-Collecting-Tools: Sickles & Scythes
Harvey Ussery's article "The Scythe: Historical Tool on the Modern Homestead" in Countryside and Small Stock Journal
Huffington Post: Marcel Theroux: Scything in Suburbia
Wall Street Journal: video "Scythes Re-appear in Suburban Gardening"
Wall Street Journal: "Who Needs a WeedWacker When You Can Use a Scythe"
Around the Farm Table, episode "Switchel Brew Got the Scything Crew" on Wisconsin Public Television
NPR Radio - "The Scythe" on the APM radio show, The Story: "Sixteen Inches of Radio".
Homesteading and Philosophy blog post: "The Scythe"
Follow me on Facebook: One Scythe Revolution
Homesteading and Philosophy blog post: "The Scythe"
Follow me on Facebook: One Scythe Revolution
Follow me on YouTube: Scythesman8, aka Botan Anderson
Follow me on Instagram OneScytheRevolution