Note for 2023: I am proud to have have been selling Schroeckenfux scythe equipment since 2006. I consider these scythes to be an essential tool for the future of small-scale regenerative agriculture (i.e. sustainable, permaculture, natural farming, etc.). I am very hopeful that the demand for these high-quality scythes will continue to grow, and that this demand will ensure that they can continue to be manufactured. Below is a video showcasing the workmanship that goes into making a Fux scythe blade.
Austrian Scythe Blades
Fux Gartensense "Garden Scythe" Grass blades Available in 60, 65, 70, and 75cm Bavarian style grass blades. 408g, 444g, and 465g. Good for all vegetation in the green and succulent stage; grass, tender weeds, clovers, cover-crops etc. The tang angles set for all the snaths that I sell. The hafting angles are set for mowing with a side-weight shift ("enlarging the swath"). Triple-peened and super-sharp. Ready-to-mow. A good blade for beginners.
$90, $95, $98, and $110
Fux 2010 Haying Blades Available in 70, 75, 80, 85cm lengths. This model is the result of a research and development project conducted by Gerhard Wagner, consulting engineer for the Fux factory. His goal was to design a scythe blade "that mows the nicest". It has a moderate hook-nose, so that it has the same angle of penetration as the standard grass blade, but at a more open hafting angle, resulting in more cut grass per stroke. It has awesome slicing power! It takes some skill to master, though. Triple-peened, super-sharp, and ready-to-mow. Best for mowing well-maintained lawns, meadows, and hayfields. For more info see blog -
95cm FUX Model 2010 scythe blade While called the same model, it's actually a very different blade than the shorter lengths above. It takes a huge bite, even for it's length. Great for mowing tender, sparse lawns with a smooth soil surface. This long blade can be a bit floppy and it is difficult to control the tip on bumpier fields. - $125
45cm and 50cm Fux light bush blades 50cm (20 inches) long. 65mm wide. 536g. Tang angle is set for our snaths. Good for mature weeds with woodier stems, such as: brambles, thistles, ragweed, lambsquarters, etc. and tree seedlings. Traditionally these are not sharpened by peening, if used for mowing tree and brush seedlings. Instead they are sharpened by honing it first with an artificial whetstone or mill file, followed by a natural stone. If you are good at free-hand peening, you can peen them a little bit. Factory sharpened and ready-to-mow. For more info on mowing big weeds, see blog. $85 and $90
Italian Scythe Blades
Falci 100, available in 75cm, and 85cm. This blade has a fully-formed belly and rocker, to handle bumpier hayfields, This blade is awesome. A strong, stiff, well-formed, and balanced blade. Factory peened to a thinly tapered bevel that runs easily over the nail in the thumbnail test. Super-sharp, but the new edge really benefits from a quick touch-up peen, just at the edge, to toughen it up. (See 1SR Peening Manual) Best in well maintained hayfields (i.e. no sticks, stumps, or rocks!). Best to freehand peen this edge. I haven't tried it, but I don't think a peening jig would be good for this thin an edge. Very sharp and ready to mow! There are 3 videos of this blade in different mowing situations in my blog. 70cm - $100.00 , 75cm - $105.00 , 85cm - $135.00
Falci 106 aka the "International" blade. A Greek style blade, similar to the Persian pattern, it is Falci's most popular scythe blade. A lightweight grass blade best suited for sparser grass. Not the easiest blade for beginners, but if you know what you are doing, it mows with a fast, clean sweep. See video below. 75cm, 473g - $95 65cm, 441g - $90 out-of-stock
Falci 126Italian Model A great general purpose, Italian-style grass blade with stone point. I ordered these with extra tensioning like the old stock blades have. A strong and lively blade that is easy to control. Great for lawns, hay fields and green weeds and cover crops. Easy for beginners. 75cm, 564g - $100 out-of-stock (currently no longer being made) 70cm, 494g -$98 A general purpose grass blade. 65cm, 420g - $95 An elegant, light and lively, grass blade. Extra tensioned.
Falci Belgian Model 335, 60 cm, 50mm wide at midpoint, 115mm wide at beard! 418g. 65cm, 50mm wide at mid-point, 115mm at beard. For dense and wetland grasses. It has a sharp penetrating point, leading into an extra wide beard which amplifies the slicing action of the beard area. Also great for mowing lawns. Especially dense, well-fertilized ones. One has to be very precise with the lateral balance on the 60cm. Best peened on tall anvils or field anvils, because the beard is so close to the tang. $90 and $95
Falci 151 Ditch Blade 50cm 428g, 55cm 434g. , 60cm 561g. Strong, stiff and sharp. Cuts anything from grass to brambles with ease. Tree seedlings up to 3/8 in diameter, if you know what you are doing. 60cm - $90, out-of-stock 55cm - $90 out-of-stock 50cm - $85 out-of-stock
Falci 187 Ditch blade with Stone Point 35cm, 330g. Great for mowing in tight spaces, too small for most scythe blades. -$60
Russian Scythe Blades
Arti Saiga-Lux Scythe Blades
Arti scythe blades are manufactured by rolling out the steel, instead of fully forging the steel like the European blades above. As a result they are more economical to make, but not quite as well formed or tensioned. But they make very serviceable scythes blades.. The steel is excellent and holds an edge well. These Saiga-Lux blades were sharpened for me by the Arti factory, so with a little honing, they are good to mow. 40, 50, 60, and 70cm. (Note: All except 40 cm Arti blades are out-of-stock) 40cm - $30
FUX Hartstahl Scythe Blades
Fux Hartstahl Competition Scythe Blades 120cm (48in.) to 135cm (54 in) long. "Hartstahl" steel (hard steel). While the sticker says maehfertig (ready-to-mow) they are not quite. Ready-to-peen is more like it. And with the harder steel, and extra length, peening takes a while. For more info on competition mowing, see blog. These blades are too long for the FUX snath. The 4 ft + length has too much leverage for the lightweight FUX snaths. I primarily carry these long blades, by request, for people who are experimenting with making their own snaths.
115cm - $125.00 (low tang angle for competition) 120cm - $145.00 out of stock130cm - $155.00 out of stock135cm - $160.00