Other Tools recommended for the One Scythe Revolution
(but not sold by me)
The Carry-All Garden Cart

A large capacity garden cart is extremely useful on a scythe-based farm. I highly recommend the Carry-All made by the Norway Company here in Wisconsin. We use it for hauling fresh-cut grass and weeds, compost, manure, firewood, rocks, you name it. It's a real workhorse. It's extremely durable and well-made, and all the parts are replaceable (though so far the only thing that we've had to replace in 8 years, is one of the innertubes. And that was only because one of our geese chewed on the tire valve and gave it a leak!). Update 12-17-2015: Apparently the Carry-All is no longer being made. A similar cart is made in Vermont.
The Broadfork

Scythe is to lawnmower, as broadfork is to roto-tiller. We never turn over our soil here, but incorporate compost and other soil amendments, into our heavy clay soil as needed by loosening it with a broadfork. To work a garden bed, we simply pull aside the thick mulch, spread on the compost, kelp, rock dust, pyrolized charcoal, etc., and then use the broadfork to loosen up the clay soil. We then finish the job with a 3-tine cultivator. (See blog.) My blacksmith friend, Larry Cooper (pictured at left) at Gulland Forge, now located in North Carolina, makes an excellent broadfork. See https://gullandforge.com/