Once you are good at scything, the bulk of the work becomes what to do with all that vegetation you have cut. To rake up your scythe cut grass or hay, nothing works as well as a lightweight, traditional hayrake with long teeth. It was elegantly designed for this task.
Cheesebrough Flex-Frame Hayrake

Made in Michigan. The Cheesebrough flex-frame hayrake weighs 1045g (2 lbs 5 oz). The rake head is 20.5 inches wide with 10 dowel teeth. The rake head and handle are made of ashwood. The teeth are made of tough hickory and are set perpendicular to the handle (not angled like the two rakes below). The handle is 6 ft. long. They are factory sealed with a UV protectant. Because of the perpendicular teeth, I especially like this rake for spreading out fresh cut hay to dry Since the teeth are not angled it makes it easier to grab and swish the fresh cut green grass out (see video above). The wide spacing of the teeth make it great gathering up for coarser hay, and big stemmed vegetation like reed canary grass, goldenrods, etc. and weeds. Quality craftsmanship. - $149
Italian Wooden Hayrake

Alpine Hayrake - 920g These are very high-quality, lightweight, Italian-made, traditional wooden alpine-style hayrakes. The angle of the rake head functions more like a hay "comb". The long and closely spaced teeth are set at an angle that enables them to slide almost parallel to the ground, and to cleanly comb fine hay or grass from the field. Great for raking up lawn trimmings, and fine dry hay. You can see it in action in this video. 6 foot Poplar wood handles. 26 inch wide ash wood head, with 4 inch ashwood teeth spaced 1.5 inches apart. Total weight approximately 1#14oz, (837g). Unfinished bare wood. (It is recommended that you lightly sand and seal with linseed oil and turpentine mixed 50/50.
- $75 out of stock
- $75 out of stock
Nylon Hayrake

Falci Nylon Head Hayrake 1162g or 2#9oz. 20.5 inches wide with 20 angled teeth, and a 6 ft. wooden handle. The head is made in Italy. The handles are now made in the USA. Angled nylon teeth. More of a hay comb. It makes a nice rake for gathering up fine hay and short lawn trimmings. Great for raking thatch and old dead grass out of the ground as well, especially since you don't have to worry about breaking the teeth. A good choice for kids, or guests who want to help. I like it for raking up or spreading out wet grass. - $50 out-of-stock